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Alsalam charity foundation is a registered local based community charity organization which was found by the young youth in Uganda, it was registered in 2020/November consisting of 10 registered members implementing activities like Emergency relief, Water well construction, Mosque construction and renovation, Hot meals, Food aid, Akikah, Qurbani, Ramadan food pack, iftar feeding, Agricultural support, medical aid, educational support, Quran distribution and teaching, orphan care, Dawaah programs, Income generating projects, and many others. In our operating years, we have managed to carry our food program, construction of boreholes, iftar program, food pack, clothes distribution among others.
We carry out our programme at Instagram, Facebook, and tiktok
Hamba Allah
Doa buat ibuayah, Muhammad Fatih Bin Musa, Azman Marikin, Azlan Marikin, Azizan Marikin, Amirul Fazlie, dan Amirul Hairey.. Semoga dilimpahi rezeki yg berkah, diberi kesihatan yg baik, dipermudahkan segala urusan dan sentiasa dalam perlindungan dan rahmat Allah swt.. Aamiinn ya Allah ya Mujib
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